/* eslint-env mocha */ import React from "react" import expect from "expect" import { mount } from "enzyme" import { fromJS, Map } from "immutable" import OnlineValidatorBadge from "components/online-validator-badge" describe("", function () { it("should render a validator link and image correctly for the default validator", function () { // When const props = { getConfigs: () => ({}), getComponent: () => null, specSelectors: { url: () => "swagger.json" } } const wrapper = mount( ) // Then expect(wrapper.find("a").props().href).toEqual( "https://validator.swagger.io/validator/debug?url=swagger.json" ) expect(wrapper.find("ValidatorImage").length).toEqual(1) expect(wrapper.find("ValidatorImage").props().src).toEqual( "https://validator.swagger.io/validator?url=swagger.json" ) }) it("should encode a definition URL correctly", function () { // When const props = { getConfigs: () => ({}), getComponent: () => null, specSelectors: { url: () => "http://google.com/swagger.json" } } const wrapper = mount( ) // Then expect(wrapper.find("a").props().href).toEqual( "https://validator.swagger.io/validator/debug?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com%2Fswagger.json" ) expect(wrapper.find("ValidatorImage").length).toEqual(1) expect(wrapper.find("ValidatorImage").props().src).toEqual( "https://validator.swagger.io/validator?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com%2Fswagger.json" ) }) it.skip("should resolve a definition URL against the browser's location", function () { // TODO: mock `window` // When const props = { getConfigs: () => ({}), getComponent: () => null, specSelectors: { url: () => "http://google.com/swagger.json" } } const wrapper = mount( ) // Then expect(wrapper.find("a").props().href).toEqual( "https://validator.swagger.io/validator/debug?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com%2Fswagger.json" ) expect(wrapper.find("ValidatorImage").length).toEqual(1) expect(wrapper.find("ValidatorImage").props().src).toEqual( "https://validator.swagger.io/validator?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com%2Fswagger.json" ) }) // should resolve a definition URL against the browser's location })